Tuesday, February 12, 2013

MastrMynd for Hope 1.25

MastrMynd Family! This is where you put your money where your mouth is and do something! Here is the MastrMynd Production Unit (MPU or M-POO) Petition. This MPU allows our children to graduate High School with skills earning them $300/day and more. Our children shouldn't have to get out of High School flipping hamburgers for $9-$10/hr. when they could be well paid, professional Audio Engineers, Film/Video Producers, Directors, Web Programmers, Web Designers, Graphic Designers, Visual Artists, Accountants, and too many to name here. DEMAND YOUR RIGHT TO A SECURE POSITIVE FUTURE FOR ALL AGES. YOUR NEVER TOO OLD OR TOO YOUNG TO WORK WITH MASTRMYND! Sign your petitions so you can improve our communities through hard work and effort and pride in what we've accomplished. MASTRMYND IS FOR THE PEOPLE! Locate your Petition for the MastrMynd Production Unit on the MastrMynd Entertainment Group Page http://www.facebook.com/groups/273808052631920/ under the Files/Documents. You can download your forms, get them printed, signed and either scanned and sent to me, or mailed to 268 Bush St. #3221 San Francisco, Ca 94104. I love you all, but you must stand for something, or fall for anything and I choose to stand.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tears for Hope 1.24

San Joaquin Delta Police called me to tell me not to contact the staff and faculty by email anymore. I informed the officer that I am awaiting a response for a meeting with Dean Wamhoff. He instructed me not to contact Professor +William Story. Do you think if Professor Story was really my friend he would have called the police? If one of my friends was to post something like this about me, I would talk to them about. MastrMynd, the Ultimate Communication Tool. www.mastrmynd.com

Sunday, February 10, 2013

MastrMynd Tears for Hope 1.23

MastrMynd Production Units for Delta College-Meeting Request

Dean Wamhoff,

I am hurt and discouraged because I asked for Professor Story to endorse and request Delta College to purchase the MastrMynd Production Unit five years ago. Professor William Story has been aware of MastrMynd since 2007. I spoke with Professor William Story last Monday. I got an endorsement of MastrMynd from Professor Story after an hour of him running down Delta College. I finally asked if Professor Story would write a request for a MastrMynd Production Studio for Delta College. He said I should submit a list of all the equipment and software and he will endorse it. I will submit the requested list of equipment, but I asked Professor Story if he thought MastrMynd would be good for Delta and he flatly said, “NO”. I asked why and his response was a litany of MastrMynd being too high powered for Delta College. That since he’s been at Delta he does all the multimedia since Delta has no formal multimedia department or program. That the tenured professors don’t want to change and that Delta College is not worth it. That since I met Professor Story in 2007, there has been no changes or improvements to advanced education, specifically emphasized in multimedia. If he’s the RTV department head, shouldn’t he be advocating for the most advanced curriculum available?

I did my best not to show my disappointment since I believed Professor Story was committed to advancing the education level for the RTV Program by assisting with the development of MastrMynd.  In 2007, I waited an excited 3 months for Professor Story to return from his sabbatical to show him the MPU. Professor Story was excited to introduce a course called the Theory of Convergence of Multimedia. This course described professional audio production and professional film/video production converging into one discipline, which MastrMynd embodies. Professor Story called for the development of this new industry in the next 10-20 years. I already had MastrMynd built and patented since 2005. Professor Story requested I take his course and offered to pay for it. I took the course believing Professor Story was actively pursuing the sale of the MPU to Delta College. I listened to everything Professor Story had to say regarding selling a MPU to Delta College. I believed Professor Story when he asked me to talk to Brian Kendrick 5 years ago. I pitched it to the Student body with Professor Story’s help. I was led to believe, by Professor Story, that I had exhausted all of my resources with getting Delta College to purchase a MPU, but that if I really wanted to succeed I should just “give” my invention to him so he could just use it. I could not allow this since I have a family to support. That is why I left Delta College 5 years ago.

I returned to Delta College to re-introduce the MPU since learning from the Department of General Services conference how to provide the MPU to Delta College. What I learned was Professor William Story had the power to simply request a MPU 5 years ago. I now know that Professor William Story never intended to advocate on my behalf to Delta College for the sale of the MPU to Delta College. If he developed a course specifically outlining the development of an industry that MastrMynd embodies, and he pays for me to take the course, but eventually ends up telling me that I should just allow him the use of my invention. It seems to me that Professor Story wants my invention and is standing in the way of not only my personal advancement, but the advancement of Humanity by coveting my invention. He acknowledged my invention through the creation of his course and validated my invention by specifically requesting use of the MPU. Why is the MPU good enough for Professor Story’s use, but not good enough to provide this educational tool to the Delta College student body? Isn’t college about obtaining the most advanced education possible? It seems Professor Story is motivated for himself and not the advancement of the Delta College Student Body.

I am totally confused after the hour I spent with Professor Story yesterday. After running Delta College into the ground I finally asked if he would endorse the MPU. He said he would, but gave me every reason why Delta won’t advance the education for the student body by purchasing a MPU. In other words, I get the feeling that Professor Story isn’t really going to give MastrMynd the effort MastrMynd deserves. I don’t have 5 more years to waste of my life. Isn’t college supposed to be the place where advanced learning is encouraged?

I simply feel betrayed by the professor I’m supposed to trust. I thought he was my friend. I feel that Professor Story has wasted 5 years of my life. He should have simply said 5 years ago he didn’t think Delta College was worthy of MastrMynd and I would not have wasted any time there. Professor Story shouldn’t have acted as though he was advocating on behalf of MastrMynd while never intending to do so. Shouldn’t Professor Story be the one advocating for better curriculum for the Delta College Student Body instead of discouraging the person who is bringing the new technology? How can you be the one to stand in the way of the technology that reduces current broadcast communication costs by 90%?

I’ve been fighting for people to understand MastrMynd since 2000 when the MastrMynd concept was so far ahead of the curve; people saw it as alien. I didn’t think I would have to fight at the educational institution I have traditionally known as a safe haven.


Douglas M. Lennard Sr.
Chairman & CEO
Cellular: (209) 430-4007
Office: (209) 670-0944